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Basics of Buying and Selling Real Estate PDF
By:Yelena Yermolenko
Published on 2011-08-01 by

Buying and selling your home is not science fiction, it is easy. Whether you sell it yourself or with the help of a professional representative, Basics of Buying and Selling Real Estate| will help an everyday person understand the process of buying and selling Real Estate, making the process fun, easy, less confusing and most profitable... So easy that a kid would understand! This book is designed for buyers and sellers and not for Realtors. They do it every day and often forget that the simplest thing for them may create the biggest misunderstanding for their client. |Basics of Buying and Selling Real Estate| is created for the first time buyers, first time sellers and for those who still get confused during the process or for those who just want to understand how things work in Real Estate. |Basics of Buying and Selling Real Estate| will walk you through the process of preparing your home for sale, saving you hundreds of dollars on expensive staging services, and will help you to make your home shine like a show home. It will walk you through the listing contract, converting confusing terminology in to our everyday language so there is no confusion on your side. |Basics of Buying and Selling Real Estate| will help you to deal with any offer or multiple offers, no matter how |insulting| or complicated it may come in, and explain how |market value| is created. This book will give you tips on psychological aspects of buying and selling your home, which will help you to avoid mistakes like buying your next house while you still have to sell your existing home. |Basics of Buying and Selling Real Estate| will help you to make a shopping for your new home fun and easy with the 1, 2, 3 Elimination System, which will save you tons of time and will help you to find that perfect house in just a couple of days. This book will walk you through the offer to purchase (The Purchase contract) helping you to understand things like: - Deposits - Condition date - Closing and closing cost - Removal of conditions - Possession date - And more... |Basics of Buying and Selling Real Estate| will convert the confusing and intimidating process into a simple and fun experience that will help you to sleep better at night knowing that you know what to do and what to expect when you are selling or buying your Perfect Home.

This Book was ranked at 21 by Google Books for keyword Real Estate.

Book ID of Basics of Buying and Selling Real Estate's Books is oHjViLxXhwAC, Book which was written byYelena Yermolenkohave ETAG "PA2IXG5JW6k"

Book which was published by since 2011-08-01 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781456604486 and ISBN 10 Code is 1456604481

Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "62 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is true

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