The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America PDF
By:Marc Levinson
Published on 2011-08-30 by Hill and Wang
One of The Wall Street Journal's Best Non fiction Books of 2011. From modest beginnings as a tea shop in New York, the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company became the largest retailer in the world. It was a juggernaut, the first retailer to sell $1 billion in goods, the owner of nearly sixteen thousand stores and dozens of factories and warehouses. But its explosive growth made it a mortal threat to hundreds of thousands of mom-and-pop grocery stores. Main Street fought back tooth and nail, enlisting the state and federal governments to stop price discounting, tax chain stores, and require manufacturers to sell to mom and pop at the same prices granted to giant retailers. In a remarkable court case, the federal government pressed criminal charges against the Great A&P for selling food too cheaply-and won. The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America is the story of a stunningly successful company that forever changed how Americans shop and what Americans eat. It is a brilliant business history, the story of how George and John Hartford took over their father's business and reshaped it again and again, turning it into a vertically integrated behemoth that paved the way for every big-box retailer to come. George demanded a rock-solid balance sheet; John was the marketer-entrepreneur who led A&P through seven decades of rapid changes. Together, they built the modern consumer economy by turning the archaic retail industry into a highly efficient system for distributing food at low cost.
This Book was ranked at 4 by Google Books for keyword Retailing.
Book ID of The Great A&P and the Struggle for Small Business in America's Books is ZphE-pqXb1wC, Book which was written byMarc Levinsonhave ETAG "Q/OOy0JITq8"
Book which was published by Hill and Wang since 2011-08-30 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781429969024 and ISBN 10 Code is 1429969024
Reading Mode in Text Status is true and Reading Mode in Image Status is false
Book which have "384 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryBusiness and Economics
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is true
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