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Reflections on the Past, Visions for the Future PDF
By:Don Babai
Published on 2004 by Harvard CMES
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES) was founded in 1954 to promote the interdisciplinary study of the Middle East at Harvard University. The Centerâe(tm)s mandate has involved it in teaching as well as research on both the classical and contemporary aspects of the Middle East. Its scholarly interests also include Islamic societies and cultures worldwide. CMES functions as the coordinating body and a primary source of intellectual and material support within the Harvard community for academic programs covering the vast area between Morocco and Iran, and beyond. This volume, edited by Don Babai, was prepared as part of commemorations for the fiftieth anniversary of the Center. It consists of three parts.In Part I, Babai surveys the rich and complex history of the Center, beginning with its founding by William Langer, a diplomatic historian who had a seminal influence in the development of area studies at Harvard in the postwar years. This survey chronicles the Centerâe(tm)s growth and transformation through the eventful and at times tumultuous tenures of eleven subsequent directors, from Hamilton Gibb, the Arabist, to Cemal Kafadar, the Ottomanist. It also offers an interpretation of the determinants and consequences of the Centerâe(tm)s choices over the last five decades and examines its evolving mission against the backdrop of current debates on Middle Eastern studies and area studies in general.Part II presents an extended account of the multifaceted operations of the Center that serve the scholarly community at Harvard and the world at large. It discusses the Centerâe(tm)s teaching activities, especially its AM and joint PhD degree programs, and the changing profile of students in these programs. It summarizes the findings of ongoing efforts to survey the career patterns of CMES degree holders and provides brief sketches of the work of some of its many distinguished alumni in academia and other fields. It also looks at the Centerâe(tm)s activities in disseminating knowledge of the Middle East to the New England community through its outreach program and to the scholarly community through its specialized publications as well as its seminars and conferences. Other sections review the Centerâe(tm)s research initiatives and the activities of its visiting scholars and research associates.Part III, âeoeThe Future,âe consists of essays by members of the core faculty and other scholars who have had an ongoing association with the Center. The essays, beginning with an integrative overview by the incoming director, Steven Caton, assess the strengths and weaknesses of the Center with an eye to the larger question of the challenges the Center is likely to face in the coming decades. The authors, who include many of Harvardâe(tm)s leading scholars in Middle Eastern and Islamic studies, present diverse but complementary visions of the Centerâe(tm)s future, weighing not only the altered geopolitical landscape of the contemporary Middle East but also emergent forms of interdisciplinary knowledge, along with transnational and interregional approaches to scholarly inquiry, that are changing the nature of Middle Eastern studies and area studies at large. Most of the essays are framed around individual disciplines in both the humanities and social sciences. Together, they offer a compendium of insights that should be of interest to anyone concerned with the future of Middle Eastern studies.
This Book was ranked at 23 by Google Books for keyword learning resources center.
Book ID of Reflections on the Past, Visions for the Future's Books is U_s_0_MaI6IC, Book which was written byDon Babaihave ETAG "4C224OzKCSA"
Book which was published by Harvard CMES since 2004 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780976272700 and ISBN 10 Code is 0976272709
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "195 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryEducation
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false
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